Ukrainian girl

20 Flirty Texts You Crush Won’t Be Able to Leave on Read

You are constantly laughing over the text with your best friends or the girl gang but when it comes to texting your crush, no one does it right. If you are worried about being left on read and you keep on taking a lot of time to reply then the pressure is unmatchable. Another worst-case scenario is that you have still not started a conversation with your crush and you keep on thinking about ways to start a conversation but do not be left on read, then you are not alone.  This is why we have selected the best flirty texts for your crush that he will not be able to leave on read. 

1.      It is not possible to get my work done today, because you have occupied my mind for so long. 

2.      I always wanted to learn and play basketball. Now that I know a basketball expert, want to be my coach? 

3.      Bunny misses the tummy rub. I told him you will be back soon to give him some tummy rubs. (You can change the name with your pet’s name)

4.      Do you know that you are one of the most amazing and interesting people that I have come across?

 5.      Didn’t see you at school today. Hope you are doing fine.

 6.      I have to attend a very boring event today, would you like to accompany me to make it interesting.  

7.      This made me think of you. (Send this one with a meme)

8.      When I see your name on my phone, it automatically brings a smile on my face. What’s the connection? 

9.      Guess the emoji that I have placed with your name, in my contacts? 

10.  I turned Netflix on, but I have no one with whom I can chill with. Can you help me with it? 

11.  Looking forward to seeing you tonight. We will have fun together. Can’t wait! 

12.  We are playing against our rivals tomorrow in football. Would love to see you as my cheerleader. 

13.  There is a new burger joint on 10th Avenue, downtown. I heard they serve amazing burgers, we need to go. 

14.  My cheeks have started hurting from smiling this much, I can’t stop. This is what you are doing, see!(Maybe send this with your picture)

15.  I really can’t do the “wait for three days” stuff, so I am texting you now. How have you been? 

16.  So, I was watching a movie, and its main character is just like you. Although a lot less cute than you are. 

17.  I appreciate how you challenge me to be a better person. You are helping e to become one by doing so. 

18.  I cannot sleep. What is up with you? 

19.  In case you are wondering, I like Hershey’s white chocolate and my favorite flowers are sunflowers. (You can edit your favorite chocolate and flowers)

20.  I will bring you cookies if you answer these five questions correctly. Are you taking up this challenge? (If you know your crush’s favorite food, use that knowledge) 


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