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If a Man has These 9 Qualities Never Let Him Go, Scientists Say

Every person is unique in their character and looks which makes the search for a suitable partner more complex. While looking for your potential suitor there are some habits and characteristics you should be looking forward to in order to make sure they are worth spending life with. So, if you are in a relationship with someone or you want to date a certain person you know, take out your pen and page and ask yourself whether they fulfill these requirements and if the person does then tell him, you’re lucky to have that man in your life. 

1.      Smartness:

Intelligence and smartness surely adds to the beauty of a man. A research at a world renowned university proves that smart men are more likely to be happily married and they are loyal and mature. Smart people can solve daily life problems easily and are quite reliable than others. Well, it doesn’t mean that a person who isn’t smart can be unfaithful because it varies from person to person.

2.He has a good sense of humor:

If he makes you laugh, he’s a keeper. Everyone cares for the happiness of the person they love. If your man cracks jokes to make you laugh or perform other actions to make you smile and happy, then science says that person is going to be sincere with you.

3.He is supportive:

Research has proven that a man who supports a woman’s career or supports her in daily life problems rather than being mad at her is really a gentleman. Nowadays there are many men who expect the women to compromise and don’t change their work schedules or help in other chores because they consider it a duty for women.

4.He respects your family and friends:

It’s very common practice that women have to end their social life just because their husbands or boyfriends don’t like it. A gentleman loves and supports the people close to you. He respects your family and friends and makes efforts for them as much as you do for him.

5.The high level of emotional intelligence:

Studies have shown that women are more likely to be emotional and consider the opinions and views of men as compared to men. However, it is essential for a healthy relationship that both partners should be considerate towards each other. Men with a high level of emotional intelligence are a must to have in this regard.

6.He’s a good listener:

Misunderstandings and arguments arise in a relationship but a man who thinks that he is always right can make them worse to deal with. Partner that listens to you keenly and respects your opinions and views is surely going to be unfaithful till the end.

7.He tries to make relationship work:

A sincere person always tries to make a relationship work and has the fear of losing you. A study has shown that couples who were unhappy and those who were happy had no difference in compatibility but the fact of making the relationship work matters a lot.

8.He’s appreciates you: 

A person who loves you celebrates your success like his own. The right man for you is the one who appreciates you for everything either trivial or big, if it matters to you it matters to him. He makes you feel loved and tells you that you are worth the love and attention when you doubt your potential.

9.You both have similar way of thinking:

Studies have shown that people who have similar personalities and habits are more likely to be together longer. If you both have similar approaches to life issues, it is going to be much easier and less tiring to deal with them. This way you will know each other better and respect each other’s choices and decisions.

 Now you know what qualities you are going to be looking for in the one for you. If your spouse has all these or most of these qualities you are fortunate. Never let them go. You have got a gem and if your answer is no then I’ll suggest you reconsider your decision.


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