Anastasia’s profile, ID: 711925
Single Woman Anastasia
Dreamonelove will have you swept off your feet in no time. Take advantage of secure Dreamonelove chat rooms and special features to get to know Single woman Anastasia . With such a large user base, Dreamonelove offers singles a wide variety of dating options: Letters, Video Chat, Text Chat, Voice Chat.
Single woman Anastasia is quite a creative woman with an active lifestyle and a heart that is waiting for my hero. In me there is a romantic, there is a realist and a pragmatist, but these components are harmoniously fit into my life. Now my life has everything but love. My heart, my soul and all my hopes of waiting for the man who opens the door of my heart and will remain there forever.
Single Woman Anastasia loves animals, especially dogs. I like music, painting. You will find Single Woman Anastasia who likes cooking, walking, jogging. Summer is my favorite season when I enjoy tanning, being outdoosr, swimming and picnics. I am fond of reading, going to cinema and theater. Traveling is my dream.What i make come true every year more and more with visit new country)
Her Type of Man
Every woman wants to find her ideal man. As for me, the perfect man is the one who takes responsibility for himself, his family, his actions and words. The Perfect Man is able to support himself and his family, he realize that if he has a family – a wife and children — they will be always on the first place for him. And he is confident and respect other people.
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