Some Signs That Your Partner is Perfect for a Long Lasting Relationship
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Some Signs That Your Partner is Perfect for a Long Lasting Relationship

Finding true love is different for everyone according to their personal and emotional interests but if there are some of these characteristics in your relationship, congratulations you have your soul mate.
No. 1: Public place attitude

If your partner does not look around at other people and talk more about other things like the setting and people around in a public place, then they have passed the test because they embrace you even when there are a lot of people around and you remain their priority. But if they do not focus on you, you should reconsider your relationship.
No 2: Support your goals

A person who truly loves you, supports your goals as well. They love to see you grow and accomplish your goals. They do not feel jealous about your growth and they persuade you to move towards your dreams rather than holding you back. They are excited and entertained when you do good in life. The unhealthy partners stop you from accomplishing your goals and dominate your desires and dreams in life.
No 3: They accept you the way you are

A healthy and strong relationship is based on acceptance and embracing the person with all the characteristics that they possess. Their flaws are considered to be their strengths. Your partner should accept you with all your flaws and strengths, rather than trying to change your interests, your appearances, and dominating your personality. Your partner treats you in the same way in public as they treat you in person because they are confident to be with you and introduce you to their friends and family. 
No 4: They adjust in your life

A right person is not only concerned about you, they are also interested in your friends and family. They accept you with all your relationships. They hang out with your friends, consider them their friends and get along well with your family. If they are nice to you and your friends and they have the same interest as yours, you have the right partner for your life.
No 5: They listen to your needs

Listening is important to connect better. If your partner listens to you attentively and pays attention to the small details about you and remembers them, it means that they are actually interested in you. Listening does not mean that they just listen to your words, they can understand your feelings even if you do not speak about them. If a person does not listen to you carefully, they are not the right person because they are not interested in your life. 
No 6: They feel happy in your happiness

Best couples are those who make each other happy and happiness builds their relationship in a positive way. They want to cater each other’s needs and wants. They are happy in pushing you toward your goals and they feel happy when you do the same. 
No 7: They comfort each other 

Everyone has highs and lows in life. Your partners are there for your emotional support so you can share anything and find solace in them. The best partner understands your depressing phases and  console and tries to divert your attention from your problems and help you cope with your issues.
No 8; They know their limits

While having any argument, a best person will never push you away. They understand the limits to sustain your relationship because disagreements occur and they try to resolve them with each other. An abusive and violent partner is not who can last long in your life so set your limits before you enter into a relationship.
No 9: Find a balance

It is not possible that you dominate your partner’s life and they do the same to yours. If the person maintains balance in life and understands where they are wrong and try to compensate for their deeds. The partner should focus on the comfort ability of the other and do not push them to act out in a certain way. 


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