Dating Life Coach

The man wants a girlfriend but does not feel financial stable

Everyone, even the most self-confident man, is an amateur at heart, because… He loves, hates, tries to conquer, despairs, goes crazy… And all this for the sake of the one who won his heart and mastered his thoughts. Often a man feels inferior due to the imaginary lack of money. Well, he can’t present the mansion right here and now, hand over the keys to the Nissan Micra electric car and open the box with gold necklaces, earrings and a diamond ring.

You can not? Yes, and do not! They make an impression in a completely different way. We open the secrets of psychologists.

When Mars Meets Venus

“John Gray” is an expert in the sphere of relations between a man and a woman. Comparing the weaker sex with Venus, and the strong representatives with Mars, he says that a woman will first of all choose the man with whom she can fully show her femininity. It is this, and not wealth, beauty and the presence of a sports car, a two-story mansion and a 6-figure bank account, that attracts girls.

Confidence, purposefulness and responsibility are the three pillars that underlie the attractiveness of a man. He, as it were, says to his chosen one with endurance and composure, composure: do not be afraid, I am with you and I will solve all the problems myself. The girl, in turn, relaxes and blossoms. The reason is the understanding that you don’t need to go through life armed to the teeth from the harsh realities, it’s time to take off the “helmet and shell”, because the guy always has a main and a backup plan.

Choose the best: to attract attention, you need to become a pro in your field

John Gray specifically focuses on the first three stages of rapprochement – attraction, uncertainty and fidelity. It is at this time that you show yourself from the best side, trying to achieve emotional intimacy. Be the best in your field: if not an IT specialist or a pilot, then a driver or a lawn mower. Professionalism is the next thing that attracts a girl after the initial acquaintance and the appearance of interest.

An incentive is a push, an action that will intrigue the chosen one. Follow her reaction – psycho-emotional response, monitor the “voice of the body.” View and create scenarios, make predictions about transactions (causal actions) for yourself. A good example is Eric Berne‘s script about the beautiful Europa and Jupiter in the form of a bull. Berne starts from the fact that in each person the Parent, Adult and Child coexist. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish with whom you are dealing with in a specific period of time:

  • with a caring or controlling Parent;
  • a calm or resisting Child;
  • serious balanced Adult.

And if in the first two situations psychological communication is used, then in the third – only social. Focusing on the response, look at the verbal (words, smile, intonation) and non-verbal (facial expression, hand and body movements, changes in facial expressions) reactions.

Thoughtful care is a sign that the girl is the only one: make adjustments

A romantic setting is impossible without care: a man’s desire to make his woman happy makes him the most desirable in the world. It doesn’t matter what a trifle it is – a case matched to a smartphone or new soft pajamas, a hair dryer or a thermal mug. Any care and thoughtful gift show that she is the only one for him.

As an example – does it make sense to buy a car for a girl when there are no rights? For starters, it’s better to pay for courses at a driving school or donate an inexpensive electric scooter. Even if a girl earns well and does not need financial assistance, she cannot do without an understanding friend and protector. The spiritual setting of a woman is still vulnerable and experiences “dry” the soul, killing beauty.

And in the end: ask yourself who you are looking for – a fish for fun or a goldfish. To shine and conquer (including finances) is, as Steve Harvey writes, to find a fish for fun. If you seek to penetrate into her world and create a long-term relationship with the basis “I am a hunter and getter” – then you are looking for a goldfish. Solve this dilemma so that the issue of finance does not stand as a Chinese wall between you and the beautiful representatives of the weaker sex.


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